With the arrival of the CPR in 1885, Kamloops embarked on a period of rapid growth and development. The opportunity to work on the railroad drew men from all over and brought a new optimism to the community. While there was much manoeuvring for advantage by land speculators and businessmen, rapid expansion took place and a new prosperous middle class developed. With these men came wives and families and no fewer than ten social organizations were formed from 1881-1883.On Jan. 5, 1886, Kamloops Lodge held their first meeting and continued to meet under dispensation until a charter was issued, in the name of Kamloops Lodge #10, on June 21, 1886. This new Lodge was formally consecrated and dedicated on Sept. 6, 1886. It quickly became a focal point and meeting place for the social elite of the growing village. The hardware merchant, druggist, chief of police, doctors and lawyers found common ground here. They were the 'movers and shakers' of this frontier community. Their first meeting hall was in one of the out buildings of the old Fort Kamloops, HBC post, in present day Mission Flatsmore...See more text