At Dk Nails And Spa offers the best manicures & pedicures in town,. If your looking for a relaxing and rejuvenating environment look no further. Contact Us Today for an appointment!!
They try to nickle and dime you to death $5 dollars at a time! They quoted me $20 for acrylic nails, but charge extra $5 for polish removal, $5 for cuticles, $5 for length of nail, $5 for shaping the nail (other than their normal square). They got upset and rough when I declined all extra's.
Upsells are normal, but to charge extra for services that should be included is just ridiculous.
Absolutely worst experience of my life ! They took me in 30 mins before the store was closing even when i insisted on coming tomorrow and then rushed my nails. I asked them to redo it several times and they yelled at me in their language. It was so degrading and then rushed me out. Highly do not recommend this place
Hello, recently i just know about this from one of my new client come to our store and let me know. I dont know who did the service for you on that day, if you were talked about my salon, im apology you. However, i just want to clarify if you were really at my salon because there are other salon with name close to my salon and if you are my regular customers, you will know our store always close at late hour to do for all of our customers who want to done their nails on the day. We never shout our customers in our language.( if you really did your nail on June 4, 2015 then im for sure that we didnt close at closing time, we always stay late on thursday, friday until 9- 10pm)
even though new customers read your comment and they still come to our salon because of their friends and family recommend them. They said that i dont need to reply you however i dont want their is any misunderstanding
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