Toronto's premier BBQ destination, open 12 months a year for all your grilling & smoking needs. Specializing in Weber, Lynx, Broil King, Traegar & Big Green Egg ... Home of Toronto Eggfest.
Average BBQ store. Nothing very special. Half the staff are knowledgeable, half are useless. Pushy sales people, watched an older gentlemen continually say that he wasn't trying to sell this woman something when clearly he was. Average store, average selection. They do have a nice selection of Egg accessories though.
Love Dickson Home hardware! They are just up the road from me and literally have everything and then some. Whatever I need whether it is wire mesh for the water feature, salt in the winter,
closet hooks , I can find it here. I once came looking for the oddest product to get rust off of a quartz rock and sure enough they knew what it was and had it. I often know what I want but not what it is, they have tons of friendly staff always close at hand who actually know . Most recent purchase -A Green Egg for hubbie as a surpise! They kept my secret for a few months even when my husband went and visited, they delived when they said they would (free of charge too!) and set it all up. Bunch of really nice people and they are open late which is good for those of us who decide to do something at 7pm at night lol!