Furthermore , it is now recognized that improved self-esteem promotes the adoption of behaviors securitaires , particularly in matters of HEALTH sexuelle.Les activites put forward by GREY ChaudiereAppalaches aimed particularly promoting securisexe . Through their comprehensive approach , also a creent WELLNESS reduisant in isolation and distress vecue by these people, and consequemment , they may contribute reduire psychosocial problems that are associated s.Toutes our activites are basees on the principles of mutual aid, respect and listened , with discretion , absolute confidentialite and anonymity if necessaire and encourage the taking responsible for individu.De addition, the high rate of participation of members of the gay and the apparent cooperation of stakeholders , we have demontre communaute , since the beginning and even during the last year, that all our activites reponde has a well reel need in our main region.Les objectives of the group are : demystify the homosexualite.more...See more text