M1207 Immobilier
1207, rue Saint-André, Montréal, QC H2L 3S8
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There are numerous steps between shooting raw footage and broadcasting – there is the editing, of course, but once that’s done, small imperfections subsist. That is why the retouching, colourization, and sound effect recording and mixing are essential parts of crafting a TV show or movie best left to the experts. And for extra pizazz, why not add a few special effects and some 3D rendering? These services represent hours of work, and are what make the 22-minute running time of your favourite TV show so gripping. Thankfully, studios can count on contractors staffed with passionate and creative individuals to take over all aspects of ‘post-prod.’ And Beebop Studios stands out among the lot.

“We specialize in everything post-prod related, whether it be for movies, TV series, documentaries and even new media,” says Charles Bélanger, head of business development at Beebop Studios. “We’re an entirely independent firm, which is a bit rare in this field, and we maintain an approachably-sized team of permanent staff. So along with our core team of 10, we have a network of freelancers that can help us take any project to term.”

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