ATTRueQ The association is a grouping of street workers in Quebec and other partners aims to ensure the dé development and recognition of street work in the Québec society. Né in 1993 on the initiative of twenty practitioners, the Association of Power Workers street from Quebec près today includes 200 members. Réunissant mostly street workers, the ATTRueQ also hosts other practitioners NEARBY (eg community workers) have in common is that they integrate in various circles of people to provide social support . Operating on the basis of meetings régionales régulières the ATTRueQ also organizes an annual provincial gathering for all its members. A board of directors of Compound régionaux representatives met régulièrement to coordinate the work of the association. The ATTRueQ whose mission is centrée on the response to the needs of practitioners working with the ROCQTR or the Coalition of Community Organizations Quebecers in Street Work créé in October 2007 to lead collective action for the recognition and consolidation of street workmore...See more text