Montreal's most authentic Irish pubs

Although shamrocks and leprechauns aren’t the first things that come to mind when you think of Montreal, the Irish community actually does have a long history here. And lucky for us, this history continues at several outstanding Irish bars where we can enjoy a proper Guinness, some of the finest Irish whiskey, and a thoroughly satisfying Irish meal. Without further ado, here are some of the top Irish bars in the city.

When a bar is located away from busy streets, it’s sometimes easy to ignore. Whether you want to get to know your area through your taste buds or are simply looking to discover new beers, this list the best microbreweries is for you!
While it’s fun to have a drink with friends, not everyone wants to order beer – sometimes the time is ripe for a good glass of wine, or why not a chic cocktail? For all those times when we want to treat ourselves after work or to simply celebrate the weekend, here are some of the best places in Quebec for a drink!
In recent years, Quebec has seen an increase in the number of microbreweries, and St. Roch is one of the neighbourhoods that has benefited most from this brewing boom. The majority of beer lovers undoubtedly know this neighbourhood, but there will always be new fans of this sweet nectar. Here's a small guideline on how to discover the best places for a dream evening in Saint-Roch.
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