Diverticulitis is a painful intestinal inflammation that can cause serious damage if left untreated. Discover how modern medicine and a healthy lifestyle can help tame it.
November 14, 2014
Diverticulitis is a painful intestinal inflammation that can cause serious damage if left untreated. Discover how modern medicine and a healthy lifestyle can help tame it.
Diverticulitis begins as diverticulosis, the development of little "balloons" or pouches called diverticula that extend outward from the intestinal walls. These pouches are believed to occur when the colon must use excessive pressure to push stools through the body. Food and other matter can collect in the diverticula, and this causes the acute infection called diverticulitis.
Since the condition has only become widespread within the last century, the blame may sit with modern trends toward obesity and reliance on low-fibre, processed foods. It usually occurs in people over 40 years of age, but smoking and obesity are other risk factors.
The most common—and distressing—symptom of diverticulitis is a pain in the lower left quadrant of your abdomen. This pain may feel worse when you walk or move suddenly. Other signs of a diverticular attack include fever and chills, nausea, changes in bowel regularity and abdominal cramps.
Diverticulitis is serious and should be treated that way. If you have symptoms of this disorder, seek medical evaluation immediately to determine whether the problem is diverticulitis or some other potential threat.
Antibiotics, a liquid diet and pain medications may resolve the attack satisfactorily, but if your symptoms continue, you may have developed an abscess that requires drainage or even surgical removal to prevent the risk of peritonitis, which can be fatal. Don't let that pain and fever go unchecked.
As your family doctor will doubtless tell you, preventative medicine is usually the wisest and most cost-effective method for coping with any health threat, including this one. Make sure you get 20 to 35 grams of dietary fibre each day, either from naturally fibrous foods such as vegetables and whole grains or through the use of fibre supplements as directed by your physician.
Drink lots of water at the same time so your stools will increase in bulk, making them easier for the intestines to pass.
Regular exercise can also help you control your weight and lower your risk for developing diverticulitis. Even if you already have diverticular pouches, these changes can help you keep your intestines in good working order and prevent future inflammation.
With the proper vigilance, medical guidance and preventative wellness strategies, you can continue to enjoy a high-quality of life by either avoiding diverticulitis entirely or reducing the risk of flare-ups. So "go with your gut" by giving it the proper care for optimal health.
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