How do you care for plants while you're away from home? One common solution is to pay someone to water your indoor and outdoor container plants. But you can greatly reduce the need for watering by following these steps before you leave home.
October 9, 2015
How do you care for plants while you're away from home? One common solution is to pay someone to water your indoor and outdoor container plants. But you can greatly reduce the need for watering by following these steps before you leave home.
The neighbourhood kid who was counting on making a little extra money won't be happy with these water-saving techniques, but, on the other hand, your lawn will probably still need mowing when you get back.
If your plants do dry out completely while you are away, you can revive them when you get home by soaking the containers in a tub or kiddie pool.
You can pay $100 or more for electronically controlled devices that automatically water your plants while you're away from home. Or you can use the low-tech, inexpensive and just as effective method recommended by nurse Jennifer James: hook your plants up to an IV drip.
Another solution for watering while you're away takes advantage of the capillary action of natural fibres.
Follow these easy steps to ensure your plants are as healthy when you left them as when you return.
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