Practical advice to cure hangovers or quit smoking

July 28, 2015

Feel trapped in a smoking habit? Tired of a hangover making you feel sick and woozy? This practical advice can help you make some positive changes.

Practical advice to cure hangovers or quit smoking

Cure a hangover

Nausea, a pounding head, dry mouth, light-sensitivity, and regret… It's the morning after the night before! Here's how too get back on your feet:

  • Rehydrate: Alcohol is a diuretic,  so drink lots of water to get rid of that furry tongue and headache. Avoid caffeinated drinks, as they're also diuretic.
  • Have some honey on toast: The concentrated sugar in honey converts the toxins left in the body from alcohol to acetic acid, which is more easily processed. Toast adds potassium and sodium, which help the body recover. As a side benefit, this treatment is also delicious!
  • Do eggs for breakfast: You might crave a fry-up, but it's the eggs you really need. They contain cysteine, an amino acid that can help to mop up the toxins.
  • "Never again!": Of course, the best cure is prevention. To reduce the risk of future hangovers, try alternating alcoholic drinks with soft drinks or water. Avoid red wine, brandy, or whisky in excess, as these contain chemicals known as "congeners" that contribute to the agony the next morning. After drinking alcohol, rehydrate with two tall glasses of water before going to bed.

Quit smoking for good

The addiction to smoking is powerful, but your will can be stronger. Start by setting your mind to quitting and then follow these steps:

  • Set a date for giving up: Tell everyone of your intention.
  • Write down the reasons why you want to give up: They will be compelling.
  • Prepare for withdrawal symptoms: For a while you may feel short tempered, confused, anxious, or restless. You may have a headache, insomnia, or a persistent cough, but this won't last forever. Symptoms tend to peak in two to three days, reducing over two to four weeks. Nicotine patches or nicotine gum can help. Tell yourself that these withdrawal symptoms are signs that your body is ridding itself of toxins. Frame the symptoms in a positive light.
  • Take some exercise: It will reduce withdrawal symptoms, enhance your mood, and improve your chances of success.
  • Try acupuncture: Acupuncture has a good track record for treating addictions and symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Get rid of ashtrays and lighters: Ridding your home and workplace of smokers' paraphernalia will make it harder to cave in to a craving.
  • Avoid places and situations that you associate with smoking: You're more likely to experience a craving in a situation that reminds you of smoking. Make it easy on yourself by avoiding these situations.
  • Have your teeth cleaned by the dentist: Take some time to appreciate the pleasant feeling that comes with having a fresh mouth.
  • Bank the money you would have spent on cigarettes: If you have a 20-a-day habit, think about the lovely vacation you could take after a year as a non-smoker. Just don't celebrate with a cigarette!

Feel better than ever

A healthier you is just around the corner. Use these tips to help cure a painful hangover or to finally break your smoking habit for good. Your wallet, health, lungs, and liver will all love you for it.

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