
Products and Services

  • Sports And Muscle Acupuncture,
  • Weight Loss Assistance,
  • Lifestyle And Nutrition Consulting,
  • Herbology,
  • Cupping,
  • Acupuncture,
    • Chinese Medicine,
    • Ionic Footbath,
    • Fibromyalgia Treatment,
    • Chronic Pain Treatment,
    • Energy Medicine,
    • Lyme Disease,
    • BioMeridian Stress Assessment,
    • Supplements And Herbs,
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  • Specializing In Chronic Disease,
  • Meridian Stress Assessment,
  • Lyme Disease Treatment,
  • Fibromyalgia,
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
2745 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7E1
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Ratings & Reviews - Dr Rebecca Risk

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    I have had a lot of relief from Dr Risk and I recommend her treatments.

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    I went to Ananta Health to try to deal with some significant GI and pain issues. I saw Dr. Risk and she was helpful and laid out a plan after her clinical testing for me to follow. The office was always friendly and helpful whenever I called or emailed. I definitely recommend Dr.Risk! It was all natural high quality supplements, they worked within my budget.I can safely say that I feel so much better.I wasn’t sure what to expect but am thankful

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    I highly recommend Ananta Health and Dr. Risk. I saw Dr. Risk after three miscarriages, looking to bring my body into better health to support a pregnancy. She listened to all my health concerns, ran her diagnostics and put me on a health plan.It took only two weeks to start noticing changes: I had energy! I was sleeping better. I stopped clenching my teeth. My gut was healing, my tennis elbow was healing, and my menses improved. I also had a successful pregnancy and have a happy baby boy!

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Excellent Care!

    Dr. Risk's treatment is the best I have received in a long time. I traditonally receive Western treatment, however, with my ailment traditional Western Doctors did not give me the care needed. Western doctors were more about 'masking the issue' instead of finding the root of the issues and a solution that would resolve what was really going on. Ultamately, addressing the issue. Dr. RIsk did that and more. Issues that were contibuting to the ailment were resolved and I haven't been more heathy. A real, down to earth and matter of fact practitioner that listens and addresses. Thank you!! It would do some of these western Dr.'s some good to take a page from her book or at the least use this type of treatment in conjunction with their treatment

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Life Changing experience

    My life was turning for the worst, could not get up for work, family life was terrible, I had enough energy to survive and that was about it. After my first visit with Dr. Risk, I had hope. She knows how to listen and she doesn't give you that weird look some doctors give you when you talk about how you feel, yes you know the look.... She listens and you can almost hear her think and trying to connect the dots. I began treatment, that was very hard at first but after few days I started to see light at the end of the tunnel. I slowly began to have more energy and be myself again. Works is going great and I have a family life again. She changed my life!

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

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